Drug treatment of knee arthrosis: anti-inflammatory drugs, restrictions

Knee arthrosis (gonarthrosis) is a chronic disease caused by degenerative changes in cartilage tissue. The disease seriously disrupts the normal rhythm of life, causing severe pain and limiting mobility. Medical treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint helps to stop the pain and stop the degenerative process in the early stages of the disease. In the future, the problem is solved with the help of operations.

Treatment of arthrosis by conservative methods

Gonarthrosis therapy is carried out comprehensively and includes taking medications, physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy. Medications relieve pain, improve blood circulation, and promote tissue regrowth.

During treatment, they use:

  • pill;
  • cream;
  • gel;
  • injection.

Modern medicine is developing new ways to treat gonarthrosis. Stem cell therapy and platelet -rich plasma therapy are effective methods. Doctors demonstrate high efficiency of treatment and rapid tissue regeneration.

The doctor examines the knee for arthrosis

Pain reliever and anti-inflammatory

The choice of medication for arthrosis depends on the stage of the disease, the characteristics of the organism and the associated pathology. In the first stage of the disease, a person feels a slight discomfort after a prolonged effort, a new dystrophic process begins in the cartilage tissue. Treatment is carried out using topical ointments. For minor discomfort and pain, it is recommended:

  • do gymnastics;
  • reduce pressure on the joints;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • follow a diet.

Primary drug therapy is used for stage 2 of the disease. A person begins to experience pain, a buzzing sound when walking, cartilage tissue becomes thinner, range of motion is limited. The goal of treatment is to relieve pain, stop destructive processes in the joints, and restore foot mobility.

To relieve pain, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used, which provide analgesic effects and relieve inflammatory processes in tissues.

On a note.Long-term use of these drugs has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Today, doctors are increasingly prescribing "new generation" NSAIDs that can be used for a long time and have minimal side effects.

If an infectious disease accompanies arthrosis, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. To choose the right medication, the causative agent of the infection is identified. To do this, take fluid from the articular cavity and place it in a nutrient medium. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor prescribes medication.


The main group of drugs in the treatment of arthrosis are chondroprotectors. They are used in a long course and are well accepted by the body. Thanks to the active ingredients, they stop destructive processes in cartilage tissue, increase the production of synovial fluid, and promote tissue regeneration.

On a note.Medications are effective in the first two degrees of gonarthrosis. In the third, the cartilaginous tissue is destroyed and cannot recover on its own.

The most appropriate medication will be selected by a specialist.

On a note.The drug is available in the form of tablets and injectable solutions. The second form is the most effective. The therapeutic effect begins within minutes, bypassing the process of absorption through the gastrointestinal tract.

Complementary therapy

Along with chondroprotectors, medications are prescribed that help improve metabolic processes, blood supply, and enrich the body with vitamins. For complex therapy, the following drugs are used:

  1. Muscle relaxation - relieves smooth muscle spasms, reduces pain;
  2. Venotonics and vasodilators increase blood flow and tissue trophism around the joints;
  3. The vitamin complex fills the body with the necessary substances, has a positive effect on metabolic processes, and improves overall well -being.
  4. Local remedies in the form of creams, ointments and gels improve blood circulation in the knee joint, have a warming and decongestant effect, and relieve pain.
  5. Compresses with medication are more effective than creams.

Intra-articular injection

Therapy for gonarthrosis is carried out by another method - injections into the joints. In medicine, this method of drug administration is called restriction. Depending on the medication used, injections help stop the pain syndrome effectively when other means don’t help, eliminate inflammation quickly, and create a protective layer that protects cartilage tissue from further destruction.

On a note.The sequence of treatment is determined by the doctor. Hyaluronic acid preparations are given only after the inflammatory process has been removed, otherwise the course of the disease may become more severe.

injections into the knee joint for arthrosis

Stem cell and plasma therapy

Modern methods of dealing with gonarthrosis are based on low invasiveness and reduced recovery period. Such procedures include stem cell therapy, which, after injection, is able to transform into cartilage tissue cells, contributing to its regeneration. Materials for the procedure were obtained from embryos and adipose tissue, bone marrow of adults.

Helpful procedure:

  • eliminate pain;
  • relieves swelling;
  • restore motor function;
  • improve joint nutrition;
  • speed up the metabolic process.

The extracted stem cells are implanted in laboratory conditions, injected into the patient’s joints. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

On a note.Therapy is carried out only when there is still cartilaginous tissue and synovial fluid is being produced. In grade 3 disease, treatment will not bring positive results.

A new method of treating arthrosis is the administration of platelet -rich plasma. The procedure is simple:

  • blood sampling from patients;
  • blood is placed in test tubes and centrifuges, where it is divided into erythrocytes, plasma with platelets;
  • only platelet anxiety is produced;
  • the drug is injected into the knee.

With an increase in the number of platelets, enhanced regeneration of cartilage tissue begins. For treatment, it is necessary to perform from 2 to 5 procedures, among which there is a break for 7 days.

Other treatments

In combating gonarthrosis, people use a variety of traditional and non -traditional methods, one of which is hirudotherapy (leech therapy). Worm saliva contains many enzymes that are beneficial to humans. It allows you to:

  • reduces blood viscosity, thereby improving blood circulation;
  • relieving pain syndrome;
  • improve metabolic processes.

On a note.Doctors compare the effects of leech saliva with chondroprotectors. It speeds up the cartilage repair process. In the early stages, the patient is completely cured.

Hirudotherapy is prescribed with caution to the elderly and children. This procedure is contraindicated for pregnant women, patients with poor blood clotting and heart failure.

For knee arthrosis, application with ozokerite (black wax), a wax mass consisting of paraffin and resin, is no less effective. It is used for inflammatory and degenerative processes in cartilage structures. It has a thermal, analgesic, regenerative effect on diseased joints.

Ozokerite is used as a compressor and application. The course of treatment should consist of at least 15 sessions per day.

Electrophoresis with drugs is no less effective. During the session, the medication penetrates deep into the diseased area, bypassing the stomach and liver. This reduces medication intake, and the effects of the procedure are more pronounced.

treatment of knee arthrosis with leeches

At home, you can use special devices. The device, when used topically, is exposed to UV radiation, heat. As a result, blood circulation, tissue trophism is improved, biochemical reactions in the skin are activated. Positive feedback from patients confirmed the effectiveness of the procedure.

Method of operation

Surgical intervention is commonly used in grades 3 and 4 disease, when the bone head is practically empty and conservative therapy is unable to provide positive results.

With gonarthrosis, several types of surgery are performed:

  1. Arthrodesis - removes the remaining cartilage along with the joint. It is rarely used, as it does not allow to maintain limb mobility.
  2. Arthroscopic Debridement - the release of a joint from cartilage tissue using an arthroscope. This procedure is used to relieve pain and is a temporary solution to the problem.
  3. Endoprosthetics are the most common and effective method of surgical intervention for gonarthrosis. It allows you to maintain joint mobility. Modern prostheses are made according to the individual characteristics of the patient. This allows the implant to quickly take root in the body without causing discomfort to the patient.

Joint replacement surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Surgeons:

  1. Make a longitudinal incision in the middle of the knee, pushing the tissue.
  2. It processes damaged bone surface fragments (grinding), installs prostheses (artificial cartilage), tests.
  3. Repair with cementing or tightening.
  4. Sew wounds, wear bandages and splints.

The whole operation takes 2-3 hours. The recovery period lasted about 4 months. The patient first learns to walk, gradually loading and strengthening the muscles. Exercise therapy, massage, swimming are recommended. The healing effect lasts up to 20 years, then a new replacement of the prosthesis is needed, because over time it wears out.

knee arthrosis surgery

Gonarthrosis is a chronic disease that can be treated successfully at an early stage. Even small symptoms can not be ignored - you should immediately begin complex therapy in consultation with your doctor. In severe cases, only joint replacement can help prevent deformity. Preventive measures include diet, vitamins, exercise, and moderate knee pressure.